Pilar Vilades, ‘Points of View,’ Galerie, March 2022
Artists To Artists, Volume 2, Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program, 2016, pgs. 102-103
Dan Rubinstein, ‘Covering The Spectrum,’ Interior Design, February 2015, pgs. 51-53
Mark Jenkins, ‘SELECT 2015,’Washington Post, February 20, 2015
Paul Weideman, 'News Prints: Artists Transform The New York Times,' Santa Fe New Mexican, January 24, 2014
Zoketsu Fisher, 'Beyond Language: Finding Freedom Through Thoughts and Words,' Tricycle, Summer 2011, pgs. 38-41
Brandon Reynolds, ‘Unlimited Edition,’ Style Weekly, March 26, 2008, pg. 1
Benjamin Genocchio,‘Maps of All Sorts Charting Mind and Space,’ New York Times, March 16, 2008
‘New Prints Review,’ Art On Paper, November/December 2007, pg. 64
Rebecca Knapp Adams, ‘Hang it All,’ Art and Auction, April 2007, pg. 134
‘Probier’s Mal Mit Gemutlichkeit,’ Der Spiegel, February 2007
‘Studio,’ Art das Kunstmagazin, January 2007
Roberta Smith, ‘Wallpaper LAB,’ New York Times, October 6, 2006, pg. E34
Benjamin Genocchio, ‘The Medium Is the Message,’ New York Times, May 28, 2006, pg. 8
Ryan Grim, ‘NY Times Headlines 1990-2005,’ Washington City Paper, January 13, 2006, pg. 57
Jessica Dawson, ‘Schechet, Sherwood, and Bocchino,’ Washington Post, January 7, 2006, pg. C5
‘Awards,’ Art in America, September 2005, pg. 176
‘Space Program Winners from Sharpe Art Foundation,’ Artnet.com, April 2005
Erin Donnelly, ‘Critical Distance,’ Site Matters: The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s World Trade Center Artists Residency, 1997-2001, 2004, pg. 47
Julia Herzberg, ‘AIM 24- Artists in the Marketplace,’ Art Nexus, Oct.-Dec. 2004, pgs.176-77
Robi Polgar, ‘New American Talent- The 19th Exhibition,’ Austin Chronicle, August 6, 2004, pg.38
Benjamin Genocchio, ‘A Chance to Fill Up on Visual Treats,’ New York Times, April 25, 2004, pg. 9
Ashley Winchester, ‘Artists Take on Commerce and Newspaper Headlines,’ Downtown Express, September 30, 2003, pg.23